“Two Hands With Hearts” is the a 8’x8′ mural created for the Central Avenue underpass in Westfield, NJ as part of the local Public Arts project “Welcome to Westfield”. I enjoyed going all “Jackson Pollack” on this piece before adding the hands, which is a folk art symbol for “welcome”. I wanted to give this piece some energy and it was a lot of fun just being free to throw some paint at this huge canvas.
Below are some photos of the process of creating this piece, starring my beautiful daughter/assistant.
I designed the hands on my computer and had giant vinyl stickers made. I cut them out and stuck them to the canvas board.
After cutting out the heart shapes I painted everything white so I had a base for the colors to come.
After I had fun throwing paint all over the canvas, my daughter and I had more fun peeling away the hand stickers. This required some fun music and lots of searching to find the edges of the stickers under all that paint!
A little paint got underneath, but it all turned out as planned.
More fun tunes and adding in the black to make them pop off the canvas.
All finished and left to dry.
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