For the last 5 years, my hometown, Westfield, NJ, has been celebrating the work of Charles Addams. Charles Addams, creator of the Addams Family, illustrator and cartoonist for the New Yorker magazine, was born in Westfield. In October, residents and visitors spend the month celebrating his work and enjoying events and activities for all ages. The macabre of Halloween coincides perfectly with Chas Addams work.
This year I was commissioned as part of the “Wicked Windows of Westfield” project to paint the windows of one of our storefronts. I have participated in this project since the inception of AddamsFest. The shop owners sign up for artists of all ages to volunteer their time to paint Addams or Halloween themed paintings on the windows for all to enjoy while visiting town.
This year, I went traditional but BIG. These windows are large and the shop owner wanted to make a big impact. Plus, the vinyl stripe across all the main window space was challenge. I decided to do installations on the upper windows and continue the design onto the lower windows. I used polycarbonate panels and painted on those offsite and then installed and painted afterward. If you’re in the neighborhood, stop by and enjoy all things Addams!
You can hop over to my design site here, and see past designs for the windows. Visit the Addmasfest website for all the details of the festival.
I promise not to bombard you and only to tell you about good things when they happen.